Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ive been Tagged

Too funny - Ive been tagged by both Shirley (Xashee's Corner) and Jennifer (Angels DigiScraps), lol - Hope its ok to combine into one post ...
So here's how it works, you go to your photo folders, 6th folder, and pick the 6th photo in that folder and post it on your blog. Well here it is - Mike weighing one of his big Catfish he caught off the back dock :)

Guess I need to tag 6 people ....

Michaele : http://burkhartscrapzone.blogspot.com/

Jennifer: http://angelsdigiscrap.blogspot.com/

Shirley: http://xasheescorner.blogspot.com/

Hummie: http://blog.hummiesworld.com/

Aussie Caz: http://www.aussiecazdesigns.blogspot.com/

Marsha: http://designsbyfroggypond.blogspot.com/

Now I really need to get busy and get my blog updated. I do have another freebie for you but it is loaded on 4 shared and tho I have not had any problems with 4 shared, many have so I will wait to see if things settle down and I will look for another site to put my downloads that are safer :)


Looking forward to seeing your pics too:)


Twinmfg said...

Great pic and fish!!! Just stopped by to say hello and give you a hug!!!

GSCreations said...

Hi Robbi and Mikes
Thanks for popping over to my blog!! You'll be seeing a lot of my little one hehehe.
LOVE your QP!!
have a great day from gaye and caden

Anonymous said...

YUMMMM I dearly LOVE CATFISH !!!! That one is a whooper.. You should see the ones that Pammy's Dh and my Dh get from the Wabash River.. those babies great absolutely HUGH !!!
Great photo Robbi.